Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bush Lies: What a surprise!

In a study that was released this evening by two nonprofit journalism organisations proving what many of us have already believed: the build up to the War in Iraq was plagued by lies and what amounts to propaganda on the part of the Bush Administration. While the administration is not yet ready to acknowledge that they in any way mislead the American public, this does further support claims that have been made for the past five years about the build up.

In fact, according to the study released by the Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism, the Bush Administration made 935 false statements regarding Iraq from September 11, 2001 to September 2003, 7 months after the invasion.

I know it can get tricky when talking to people about why a leader is a bad one, because no matter what you say, they have something to fire back. For those out there who think that Bill Clinton made a horrible president because he lied under oath, take this into account if you still support Bush. Comparatively speaking, Bubba's affair was nothing more than that; something fit for the gossip column in the tabloids next to the story on which celebrity is in rehab now.

This is a serious issue, and if it weren't so close to the end of their term, I would recommend impeaching Bush, Cheney and any other remaining cabinet members that concocted these lies. It's being said now by other's, and I'll say it too:

Make sure that whoever you vote for this year, make sure that they are going to be as honest as a president should be with the American people. The fate of our country may depend on it.

Real Men of Genius

We salute you, war mongering president guy. You go above and beyond to make sure that you get the war you want. Tell a thousand lies. Nothing can stop you, not even the press Anybody home? Yes, today, we salute you, Mr. War Mongering President Guy.

Coming to bookstores: A Thousand Lies: Bush in the Hot Seat By Pants Onfyre



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