Monday, January 14, 2008

Both Sides of the Apocalypse

In the Iranian answer to "The Passion of the Christ", "Jesus, The Spirit Of God" details the Islamic account of the life of Jesus Christ. Few people realize that the Qu'ran (Koran) and The Bible share quite a lot in common.

In the earliest days of Islam following the time that Muhammed had spent on Earth, most Muslims had a copy of the Qu'ran and a copy of The Bible. This is due to the fact that much of the foundation of Islam is based on Judaeism and Christianity. Many of the Qu'ran's early prophets would be familiar to any one who is Jewish or Christian - Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ. The key difference is that Islam views Jesus as merely a prophet, and not the Son of God, and that it was Judas who was crucified.

What I found interesting about the article I read on this is that it brings up these similarities between Christianity and Islam, which are so rarely puplicized. The other reason is that it seems we have some common ground in current issues, namely dealing with the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse, according to Islam, will include the return of Imam Mahdi (Muslim prophet) with Jesus.

It has been the position of the Iranian government under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to hasten the return of Jesus and the Mahdi.

If you're like me and believe that our President has (wrongly) used the Apocalypse as justification for getting involved in the Middle East, at least we know both sides are working towards a common goal...



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