Friday, January 11, 2008

According to Michael Chertoff - I'm a con man

It's stuff like this that infuriates me and makes me yearn for better days ahead, days when the Bush administration is a thing of the past.

What this comes down to is something that I've been vehemently against from day one, and that is the REAL ID Act. What it amounts to is being the first national ID card system by establishing uniform standards for drivers licenses.

So, what has happened in the happy world of politics to prompt me to write about this yet again? For one, I can't stress enough how much power this gives the government, being able to monitor everything you do and purchase. Remember the novel 1984, by a guy called George Orwell. Pretty good stuff, talks about a government that kills people who don't do explicitly what it expects them to, monitoring every aspect of their lives on video cameras and ID cards. Big Brother is watching.

Here's the new propaganda. Fresh words from the heir to the prince of darkness himself, the Director of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Michael Chertoff. He came out today and had this to say about opponents of the REAL ID Act.

"There are three categories of people who will be very unhappy about secure driver's licenses: terrorists ... illegal immigrants ... and con men."

Well, I know I'm not an illegal immigrant, and despite what DHS might think about my hobbies*, I'm not a terrorist. The only thing that leaves me as being at least somewhat American is a con man. That statement must also mean that the ACLU, which is against REAL ID, is a terrorist organization.

It's this blatant rhetoric that makes me fear and despise to the point of hatred this administration. The moment I heard Chertoff speak those words on Fox News, I had to turn the TV off and go into another room so my head could explode without damaging the TV. If there is any one person in this government who should be impeached, it is Michael Chertoff. The ACLU has my back on this one.

Fox News


*As many of you know by now, I had a little visit from the Department of Homeland Security regarding a purchase I made for a small amount of potassium nitrate that I have honestly only used for the construction of very small model rocket engines (only a few grams of fuel per engine.) I still maintain that the batch of fuel I made has the explosive properties of those little snakes that you light on the Fourth of July. Needless to say, DHS is probably monitoring my blog and they probably aren't too happy for me mentioning them. I should also mention that it took them 13 months before they decided to investigate my purchase. What kind of self respecting terrorist would wait 13 months before doing anything? Canada is looking more and more like a paradise...


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