Sunday, November 19, 2006

For the Holidays

A thought occurred to me while I was coming home from church tonight. We are so fortunate here in America. America, as everyone is aware, is the richest nation in the World; in terms of material wealth. I've realized something, that some might not fully be aware of. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, how often do we even stop to pay regards to our neighbors?

Living in one of the 50 wealthiest counties in America, Johnson County Kansas, it seems like the entire concept of community has all but vanished. For those unfamiliar with the economic geography of JoCo, the farther west you go in the suburbs, the wealthier it gets. About 4 years ago this month, my family and I moved further west. The neighborhood we had lived in previously was close knit; everyone knew everyone else, and there was a sense of community that existed there that I've yet to find in our new neighborhood. When it comes right down to it, I can barely remember the names of our neighbors across the street. Everyone minds their own business, and nearly everyone seems eerily satisfied with it.

This country was founded on the bonds of community. The earliest settlers, lets say the Pilgrims, would not have survived had they not stuck together as a community. People look at the holiday season, and especially Thanksgiving, as a time to be thankful for what we have. Often, we think of our immediate family. What about our extended family? Our neighbors; our community. Despite the strong family and community values that most American's pride themselves on, it seems like for the latter, our material wealth and overactive lifestyles are getting in the way. So over the holidays, if you aren't already, go ahead with plans to spend time with family, but also take into account the community. Volunteer somewhere, help those in need, and just spend time with neighbors. Getting to know you're neighbor and spending more time celebrating with them (even if it's just sitting on the drive way to celebrate the coming of Friday) is a 365 day process. It can't just happen overnight.

That's just something that's been on my mind and is something I know I'll be thinking about over the holidays. I probably won't update for another week or so, because I'll be spending time with family and neighbors for the holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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